November 8

Dear Friends —

After 181 successive limericks, I’m going to celebrate Joe’s win by taking a couple of days off. Thank you for all the encouragement and comments.

I’ll be back soon, as I’m sure the lame-ducks will be quacking up a storm and providing me with new material.

See you in a little bit.

— Steve

Author: Steve Hirsch

Steve is a retired high-tech marketing specialist and former chairman of a college humanities division. He's a lover of Shakespeare and classical music, so he writes limericks and plays the accordion. Go figure.

6 thoughts on “November 8”

  1. Thank you, Steve
    For the brilliant and accurate work.
    I looked forward to and appreciated each one.
    I am thrilled that our country will return to its rightful standing with civility and dignity.


  2. We will all miss your brilliant words that allowed us to smile, if only for a few minutes, during these crazy times. Thank you!


  3. Steve. Great job and great endurance, tenacity, humor and laughs.
    Your clever polimericks helped us all get through a very trying time!


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